My story began with humble beginnings, where I learned to value the small things that contribute to the bigger picture. Growing up in Camden, the oldest inland city in South Carolina, instilled in me a sense of hard work and dedication that drives me to this day. While I may not have had the easiest life, I cherished every moment and made it my mission to make my grandmother proud of who I am becoming. As an accomplished Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Videographer, I have a proven track record of driving brand expansion and online marketing initiatives, making me an ideal candidate for roles in these areas. With over a decade of experience in the creative industry, I possess a deep understanding of the Adobe Suite and have honed my skills through education and practical experience. I take immense pride in delivering exceptional results that surpass expectations while maintaining a strong focus on quality and consistency. As a creative professional, I believe in continuous growth and improvement, and I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and techniques. In addition, my keen attention to detail, deadline-driven approach, and unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional work make me a valuable asset to any team.